Opdrachtgever aan het woord: Herenhuis, Den Haag

Authentieke elementen van het huis bewaren en combineren met nieuwe elementen. De woning moest helemaal gestript worden. In de opbouw waren eisen als isolatie, volledig nieuwe E – en W-installatie en constructieve doorbraken van belang.

Het statige oude huis heeft een complete facelift ondergaan zodat het aan alle moderne eisen voldoet.

Hoe hebben jullie het voortraject ervaren?

After the very first meeting, I had a rough idea of what could be done for a

given budget: it was useful to know how far I could go. I received a detailed quotation very quickly (2/3 weeks). Quotations are thorough, making it easy to select what to be done or what to be left out. Having all the details from the beginning helps building trust.
From the beginning of the project, it was possible to discuss many technical solutions and I quickly got an idea on their financial impact.

Hoe hebben jullie het bouwproces ervaren?

I received a planning for the 5 months long renovation process. We moved in the house at the exact date planned 5 month earlier!

Hoe was communicatie van In Toom naar opdrachtgever en interieurarchitect?

The triangular communication works well and quick. No question was left

hanging in the air. An answer has always been found. The communication was excellent.

Hoe was de kwaliteit van het geleverde werk?

Quality was at the expected level: high.

If a switch or a radiator for example, was not placed as expected, In Toom found the solution with the subcontractor without my intervention.

Hoe was de tussentijdse financiële stand van zaken/meer-minderwerken?

When something came up that was not foreseen, we were quickly informed by In Toom.

There were no major surprises due to regular meetings and many updates on the spendings.

Hoe was de nazorg?

A list of remaining items was drafted before the delivery, with schedule and person responsible for the task: all of this was swiftly dealt with.

One month after moving in, In Toom came to correct the little problems. That was very much appreciated. For problems not falling under warranty, In Toom was also there to help finding solutions.